Carrot City Designing for Urban Agriculture

Edible Ecologies

Exhibit Category / Catégorie de l'expo: City

Location/Emplacement: Syracuse, NY, USA
Dates: n/a
Designers/Concepteurs: Jessi Lyons, Shirah Cahil, Pete Stam, Elana Tenenbaum
Clients: n/a

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Image Credits/Crédits d'images: n/a

Project Description: (version française ci-dessous)


PROJECTS FOR A SUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEM Eating Ecologies develops a vision for creating a more sustainable and socially just food system. The delineation of a regional foodshed provides the contextual framework for a series of projects for reconnecting the food system to the local ecology, reducing food miles and energy consumption and addressing issues of hunger and inequalities in food access. The proposal for the “Syracuse Sustenance System” reestablishes rail lines linking the diverse agricultural production areas of the regional foodshed with an urban processing and retailing district. The raillink extends to a “Hybrid Market” within which all levels of the food system are synthesized. Located on the edge between an historic district and one of the poorest neighborhoods in the city it reestablishes access to diverse food choices in the center of the city that has been abandoned by supermarkets for over 25 years.

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Description du Projet:

Texte français de ce projet n'existe pas encore.

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Scale (Carrot City Category)


Location: City

Location: Country