. Carrot City - Ouro Preto, Brazil
Carrot City Designing for Urban Agriculture

Brazil Design Studio

Exhibit Category / Catégorie de l'expo: City

Location/Emplacement: Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Dates: n/a
Designers/Concepteurs: n/a
Clients: n/a

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Project Description: (version française ci-dessous)


The Brazil Design Studio is part of the Master of Architecture Program at Ryerson University. The goal of this studio is to learn how to apply research about a particular site to a design project. In this case, the students reacted to the need for farmers’ markets in the community, and also took note of the many opportunities for urban agriculture on unbuildable steep hillsides and other underused sites throughout the historic city, a UNESCO World Heritage site. The students integrated both architecture and agriculture into this challenging and beautiful urban environment. In this studio, graduate students offered their compelling solutions to increasing access to affordable, healthy, fresh food.

Some proposed an urban agriculture resource library and community center, integrated with rooftop vegetable gardens. Others thought that an urban farming education center and cafeteria can be fused with a farmers’ market. These solutions provide insights in how urban agriculture and access to food can be successfully integrated into historic sites and present invaluable ideas for sustainable design in Ouro Preto, Brazil and more generally.

One of the important aspects of this project is that Ouro Preto is a World Heritage site, and some time ago, as part of defining itself as an historic Baroque city, the old farmer’s market was destroyed. The architecture students recognized that residents needed a new market building as well as an increased access to food in a world where good food has become increasingly expensive. Students responded with building and landscape designs relevant to current food needs, while taking into account Ouro Preto’s importance as an historical city, and the need to maintain its status as a destination for cultural tourism.

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Scale (Carrot City Category)


Location: City

Location: Country