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The Equity Admissions Self-ID

Students getting practical experience

The Equity Admissions Self-ID is used to promote equitable representations of Indigenous, Black, Persons of Colour (IBPOC) and/or racialized people in the MEP's interviews for admission. It is important to the MEP’s success to work to remove barriers and promote inclusion of people from groups that have been, and continue to be underrepresented in our school and in the profession of midwifery in Ontario. It is the goal of the MEP that, at a minimum, roughly 31% of applicants who are offered interview spots are Indigenous, Black, People of Colour (IBPOC) and/or identify as racialized applicants (reflecting Ontario demographics). The Self-ID assists us in this effort and helps us understand more about people who are applying to our program. The Equity Admissions Self-ID can be completed through the Midwifery Self-ID  and Admissions Survey which is accessed through the ChooseTMU Applicant Portal.

Privacy and Confidentiality

  • The information applicants provide in the Equity Admissions Self-ID is voluntary. There is a “prefer not to answer” option to each question.
  • Pursuant to Section 39(2) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the  information on the Equity Admissions Self-ID is collected under the authority of the Ryerson University Act.
  • Only a few people in the Admissions Office and those directly involved in admissions in the MEP will have access to your information. Data from the Equity Admissions Self-ID may be used to assess program policies and processes. In such cases, we will de-identify the data so that it no longer identifies you.

If you have questions about data collection, use and disclosure of personal information at the University, please visit the University's Information Access and Privacy website.