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Elaine Frankel

Professor Emeritus
Areas of ExpertiseEarly childhood intervention; Inclusive education; Systemic change processes.

I graduated from Cornell University with honours where I received a BS degree in Human Development and Family Relationships. My career path reflects a strong belief in the benefits of lifelong learning and personal change. I attended at the University of Toronto where I achieved both a MEd and EdD, after teaching young children in Head Start preschools, kindergartens, and primary grades.

My research relates to early intervention, inclusive education, system change processes, and family narratives. I have presented internationally at numerous conferences and professional learning seminars on these topics. As coordinator of the Interpersonal Skills Teaching Centre (1996 - 2000) I promoted the development of the live actor simulated client program.  I also served as a faculty associate of the Toronto Metropolitan University Learning and Teaching office (2007-2010), and was the first teaching chair for the Faculty of Community Services (2010 – 2013). My goal is to foster experiential and universal instructional design techniques which enhance student engagement and participation.

Research projects:

  • Project: Inclusive Early Childhood Service systems IECSS
    • Role: Co-investigator
    • Funded by: SHRRC  
  • Project: Health, education, and learning partnerships promoting social inclusion of children with developmental disabilities: HELPS, Inc
    • Role: Co-investigator
    • Funded by: CIHR
  • Project: Voices of diversity: digital narratives in the classroom
    • Role: Principal Investigator
    • Funded by: Toronto Metropolitan University


  • Ali, M., Corson, P., & Frankel, E. B. (2009).  Listening to families: Reframing services. Chestnut Press.     

Book chapters:      

  • Frankel, E. Underwood, K., & Goldstein, P. (2017). Principles and practices of early intervention. In M. L. Wehmeyer, I. Brown, M. Percy, K. Shogren & A. Fung (Eds.), A comprehensive guide to intellectual and developmental disabilities (2nd ed., pp. 495-508). Brookes Publishing.
  • Frankel, E.B., & Underwood, K. (2011). Early intervention for young children. In I. Brown & M. Percy (Eds.), Developmental disabilities in Ontario (3rd ed.). Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities.

Journal articles:

  • Frankel, E., Underwood, K., & Powell, A. (2020). Early intervention for young children. In I. Brown & M. Percy (Eds.), Developmental disabilities in Ontario (4th ed., pp. 433-455). OADD.
  • Underwood, K., Frankel, E., Parekh, G., & Janus, M. (2019). Transitioning work of families: Understanding trans-institutional power in early childhood programs and services. Exceptionality Education International, 29(3), 135-153. (external link, opens in new window) 
  • Frankel, E., Chan, C., & Underwood, K. (2019). Inclusion is an experience, not a placement. eceLink, 3(1), 24-34.
  • Underwood, K., Frankel, E., Spalding, K., & Brophy, K. (2018). Is the right to early intervention being honoured? A study of family experiences with early childhood services. Canadian Journal of Children's Rights / Revue Canadienne Des Droits Des Enfants5(1), 56-70. (external link, opens in new window)  
  • Frankel, E.B., Hutchinson, N. L., Burbidge, J., & Minnes, P. (2014). Pre-service early childhood educators’ and elementary teachers’ perspectives on including young children with developmental disabilities: A mixed-methods analysis. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education35(4), 373-391. (external link, opens in new window) 
  • Villeneuve, M., Chatenoud, C., Hutchinson, N. L., Minnes, P., Perry, A., Dionne, C., Frankel, E. B., Isaacs, B., Loh, A., Versnel, J., & Weiss, J. (2013). The experience of parents as their children with developmental disabilities transition from early intervention to kindergarten. Canadian Journal of Education, 36(1), 4-43.
  • Minnes, P., Hutchinson, N., Ouellette-Kuntz, H., Villeneuve, M., Chatenoud, C., Dionne, C., Frankel, E. B., Issacs, B., Loh, A., Perry, A., Weiss, J. & Versnel, J. (2012). Including children with developmental disabilities. International Innovation: Healthcare, 16, 72-74.
  • Underwood, K., & Frankel, E. B. (2012). The developmental systems approach to early intervention in Canada. Infants & Young Children25(4), 286-296. (external link, opens in new window)  
  • Frankel, E. B., Gold, S., & Ajodhia-Andrews, A. (2010). Preschool inclusion: Bridging the gap between principles and practices. Young Exceptional Children, 13(5), 2-16.
  • Ajodhia-Andrews, A., & Frankel, E. B. (2010). Inclusive education in Guyana: A call for change. International Journal of Special Education, 25(1), 126-144.
  • Frankel, E. B. (2006). The knowledge, skills and personal qualities of early childhood resource consultants as agents of change. Exceptionality Education Canada, 16(2), 35-58.
  • Frankel, E. B. (2004). Supporting inclusive care and education for young children with special needs and their families: An international perspective. Childhood Education, 80(6), 310-321. (external link, opens in new window) 
  • Faculty Conference Poster Award, 2013
  • Provost’s Teaching Award in Experiential Learning, 2011
  • Faculty Conference Poster Award, 2011