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Grade Appeals

If you disagree with a grade you have received, and you have grounds, you may file a grade appeal. There are five grounds for grade appeals: health, compassionate, course management, prejudice, and procedural error. To appeal a grade received in courses taught in the Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science (FEAS) and the Faculty of Science (FoS), submit your request through the online academic appeals portal (opens in new window) . (However, if you want to appeal a Philosophy course, for example, you will need to submit a hard copy of the appeal to the Department of Philosophy.)   

Once you submit your appeal through the online system, the relevant decision-maker, Student Records and the Senate Office will receive a notification through their Toronto Metropolitan University email. The decision-maker will be able to assess the merits of your appeal and communicate their decision through the administrative online system. When their decision is issued, you, Student Records, the Senate Office and other relevant stakeholders will be notified through Toronto Metropolitan University email.

If you have any questions, please refer to the information found on the online academic appeals portal page, or contact your program office.

Standing Appeals

If you feel that your current academic standing (i.e. required to withdraw, permanent program withdrawal) should be changed, and you have grounds, you may file a standing appeal. (For more information on current academic standing, see the Undergraduate Student Guide.) There are five grounds for standing appeals: health, compassionate, course management, prejudice, and procedural error. Your grounds for a standing appeal must be the same at all levels unless you are appealing on a procedural error at a previous level.

All undergraduate engineering and architectural science students may appeal their standing in their Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science (FEAS) program through the online academic appeals portal (opens in new window) . For engineering students in first year, a standing appeal will be considered by the First-Year Engineering Office.

Once you submit your appeal through the online system, the relevant decision-maker, Student Records and the Senate Office will receive a notification through their Toronto Metropolitan University email. The decision-maker will be able to assess the merits of your appeal and communicate their decision through the administrative online system. When their decision is issued, you, Student Records, the Senate Office and other relevant stakeholders will be notified through Toronto Metropolitan University email.

If you have any questions, please refer to the information found on the online academic appeals portal page, or contact your program office.

Note: Since the appeal of a grade may have an effect upon your standing, you should disclose any grade appeals in progress when filing a standing appeal.