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Aviva Gomes-Bhatt

Aviva Gomes-Bhatt

DepartmentAviva is a fourth-year English and History double major. This summer she traveled to Germany to study Nazi History at the Freie Universitat in Berlin on a full scholarship. "This was such a valuable experience for me, because it gave me the chance to study one of my favourite fields of history while being immersed in the environment in which the events I learned about took place."
Areas of ExpertiseDepartment of History
Student Spotlight


"Being able to visit sites, including labour camps, prisons, and memorials was intensely sobering, and allowed me to experience the history of the place in a unique way that can’t be replicated in a classroom." 

"Back at Ryerson, I have also been fortunate enough to be a part of two student initiatives. As the Vice President of the Ryerson History Society, I take great pride in being able to provide opportunities for other History students by way of events and activities. As a leader and co-host of the International Issues Discussion Series, I am able to bring attention to important and diverse global issues by helping to facilitate discussions between a wide array of speakers, students, and other community members."