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Vanessa Dang-Lam

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Vanessa Dang-Lam


Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Digital Media, York University (2020)


Physical computing, Wearables, Interactive Installations, UI/UX Design


Vanessa is a trilingual speaker, fluent in French, English, and Cantonese. She loves watching dramas and going to concerts. During her undergraduate studies in Digital Media from York University, she was exposed to various technologies, such as 2D & 3D software, 3D printing, laser cutting, and physical computing. She discovered her passion for physical computing and wearable. She created multiple art installations and wishes to continue pursuing her passion for created interactive wearable projects for concerts and other sorts of events.

Why Digital Media?

Vanessa continued to pursue her graduate studies in Digital Media to extend her knowledge of the entrepreneurial side and explore more on the evolvement in the use of wearables in our daily lives. Digital media in the present and it will be the future.


Website: (external link) 

LinkedIn: (external link)