• “The yellow of the Caribbean seen from Jamaica at
  • three in the afternoon.”
  • – Gabriel García Marquéz
    1. 1

    2. At three in the afternoon
    3. you landed here at El Dorado
    4. (for heat engenders gold and
    5. fires the brain)
    6. Had I known I would have
    7. brewed you up some yellow fever-grass
    8. and arsenic

    9. but we were peaceful then
    10. child-like in the yellow dawn of our innocence

    11. so in exchange for a string of islands
    12. and two continents

    13. you gave us a string of beads
    14. and some hawk's bells

    15. which was fine by me personally
    16. for I have never wanted to possess things
    17. I prefer copper anyway
    18. the smell pleases our lord Yucahuna
    19. our mother Attabeira
    20. It's just that copper and gold hammered into guanin
    21. worn in the solar pendants favored by our holy men
    22. fooled you into thinking we possessed the real thing
    23. (you were not the last to be fooled by our
    24. patina)

    25. As for silver
    26. I find that metal a bit cold
    27. The contents of our mines
    28. I would have let you take for one small mirror
    29. to catch and hold the sun

    30. I like to feel alive
    31. to the possibilities
    32. of yellow

    33. lightning striking

    34. perhaps as you sip tea
    35. at three in the afternoon
    36. a bit incontinent
    37. despite your vast holdings
    38. (though I was gratified to note
    39. that despite the difference in our skins
    40. our piss was exactly the same shade of yellow)

    41. I wished for you
    42. a sudden enlightenment that
    43. we were not the Indies
    44. nor Cathay
    45. No Yellow Peril here
    46. though after you came
    47. plenty of bananas
    48. oranges
    49. sugar cane
    50. You gave us these for our
    51. maize
    52. pineapples
    53. guavas
    54. – in that respect
    55. there was fair exchange

    56. But it was gold
    57. on your mind
    58. gold the light
    59. in your eyes
    60. gold the crown
    61. of the Queen of Spain
    62. (who had a daughter)
    63. gold the prize
    64. of your life
    65. the crowning glory
    66. the gateway to heaven
    67. the golden altar
    68. (which I saw in Seville
    69. five hundred years after)

    70. Though I couldn't help noticing
    71. (this filled me with dread):

    72. silver was your armour
    73. silver the cross of your Lord
    74. silver the steel in your countenance
    75. silver the glint of your sword
    76. silver the bullet I bite

    77. Golden the macca
    78. the weeds
    79. which mark our passing
    80. the only survivors
    81. on yellow-streaked soil

    82. We were The Good Indians
    83. The Red Indians
    84. The Dead Indians

    85. We were not golden
    86. We were a shade too brown.

    87. 2

    88. At some hotel
    89. overlooking the sea
    90. you can take tea
    91. at three in the afternoon
    92. served by me
    93. skin burned black as toast
    94. (for which management apologizes)

    95. but I've been travelling long
    96. cross the sea in the sun-hot
    97. I've been slaving in the cane rows
    98. for your sugar
    99. I've been ripening the coffee beans
    100. for your morning break
    101. I've been dallying on the docks
    102. loading your bananas
    103. I've been toiling in orange groves
    104. for your marmalade
    105. I've been peeling ginger
    106. for your relish
    107. I've been chopping cocoa pods
    108. for your chocolate bars
    109. I've been mining aluminium
    110. for your foil

    111. And just when I thought
    112. I could rest
    113. pour my own
    114. – something soothing
    115. like fever-grass and lemon –
    116. cut my ten
    117. in the kitchen
    118. take five

    119. a new set of people
    120. arrive
    121. to lie bare-assed in the sun
    122. wanting gold on their bodies
    123. cane-rows in their hair
    124. with beads – even bells

    125. So I serving them
    126. coffee
    127. tea
    128. cock-soup
    129. rum
    130. Red Stripe beer
    131. sensimilla
    132. I cane-rowing their hair
    133. with my beads

    134. But they still want more
    135. want it strong
    136. want it long
    137. want it black
    138. want it green
    139. want it dread

    140. Though I not quarrelsome
    141. I have to say: look
    142. I tired now

    143. I give you the gold
    144. I give you the land
    145. I give you the breeze
    146. I give you the beaches
    147. I give you the yellow sand
    148. I give you the golden crystals

    149. And I reach to the stage where
    150. (though I not impolite)
    151. I have to say: lump it
    152. or leave it
    153. I can't give anymore

    154. For one day before I die
    155. from five hundred years of servitude
    156. I due to move
    157. from kitchen to front verandah
    158. overlooking the Caribbean Sea
    159. drinking real tea
    160. with honey and lemon
    161. eating bread (lightly toasted, well buttered)
    162. with Seville orange marmalade

    163. I want to feel mellow
    164. in that three o'clock yellow

    165. I want to feel
    166. though you own
    167. the silver tea service
    168. the communion plate
    169. you don't own
    170. the tropics anymore

    171. I want to feel
    172. you cannot take away

    173. the sun dropping by every day
    174. for a chat

    175. I want to feel
    176. you cannot stop
    177. Yellow Macca bursting through
    178. the soil reminding us
    179. of what's buried there

    180. you cannot stop
    181. those street gals
    182. those streggehs
    183. Allamanda
    184. Cassia
    185. Poui
    186. Golden Shower
    187. flaunting themselves everywhere

    188. I want to feel:

    189. you cannot tear my song
    190. from my throat

    191. you cannot erase the memory
    192. of my story

    193. you cannot catch
    194. my rhythm

    195. (for you have to born
    196. with that)

    197. you cannot comprehend
    198. the magic

    199. of anacondas
    200. changing into rivers
    201. like the Amazon
    202. boas dancing in my garden
    203. arcing into rainbows
    204. (and I haven't had a drop
    205. to drink – yet)

    206. You cannot reverse
    207. Bob Marley wailing

    208. making me feel
    209. so mellow

    210. in that Caribbean yellow
    211. at three o'clock

    212. any day now.