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Graduates in public administration are ready to assume a wide range of positions in the pubic sector and the non-profit sector. For career advice, coaching and counselling, visit the TMU Career and Co-op Centre (opens in new window)  and/or the Faculty of Arts’ Career Counselling service: (opens in new window) 

  • City of Toronto
  • Government of Canada
  • Government of Ontario
  • Political Jobs

There are many exciting and dynamic career opportunities for graduates of Public Administration and Governance. Graduates of the program are ready for promotion within their organization, or to assume a wide range of positions in the public sector and the non-profit sector.

Here are just a few possibilities:

  • A policy unit of a federal, provincial or municipal government department
  • The decision-making structure of a third (voluntary/nonprofit) sector organization (remember, “voluntary” refers only to the Directors, not the staff; and “nonprofit” simply means that there are no shareholders who collect dividends)
  • The private sector, particularly where private companies have extensive interactions with domestic or foreign governments
  • International governmental organisations (e.g., UN, OECD, World Bank)
  • International Non-Government Organisations (NGOs)
  • A political aide to an elected official
  • Private companies engaged in public research
  • Interest/pressure groups
  • Community-based organizations, particularly those with administrative interactions with the federal, provincial, or municipal government

In addition to enhanced opportunities with existing employers, or different employment upon graduation, program graduates will also be well prepared to apply to law school or graduate studies. Such graduate degrees can lead to additional career choices.