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Recognition Practices

When you acknowledge someone's contributions, it has a direct impact on their engagement, satisfaction and motivation. Encourage a culture of appreciation by taking the time to say thanks.

  • Nominate someone for a TMU employee award.
  • At the end of a project, share a few specific things that went well with team members.
  • Bake or bring treats to recognize team contributions.
  • Implement employee suggestions, communicate the success and how it improved the work of the team or department.
  • Highlight external awards and recognitions on faculty or department websites.
  • Send an ecard or email thanking someone, and copy their supervisor if it’s their preference.
  • Establish a place to post and recognize progress toward goals.
  • Open team meetings with positive feedback from clients.
  • Send notes to team members at the conclusion of a project to thank them for their contributions.
  • Develop a homemade travelling award or trophy that honours contributions made by team members. 
  • Depending on employee preferences, acknowledge their contributions at staff meetings or special events.
  • When you hear positive feedback about someone, repeat it to that person as soon as possible.
  • Have a "How Can We Help?" day. Each team member takes on one task for an overburdened colleague. Rotate who receives help.
  • Give someone the opportunity to train or mentor a new employee.
  • Celebrate birthdays, births/adoptions, volunteer accomplishments, completed education and other life events with your team.
  • Celebrate work anniversaries and service milestones.
  • Keep a sticky notepad on your desk and write one thank you note per day until they’re gone.
  • Invite a team in your department to organize a recognition event. Allow them to determine what to recognize and how to acknowledge recipients.
  • Invite team members to recognize each other during your update meetings.
  • Take the time to understand the work and value of another team, and then recognize them with a thank you card.
  • Encourage employees to participate in campus volunteer opportunities and events on campus (e.g. convocation, equity and inclusion events).
  • Encourage employees to join an employee community network.

Remember that showing appreciation for others doesn't have to be expensive or time-consuming. Draw inspiration from this list of ways in which you can say thanks.