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Senate Appeals Committee (SAC)

As per Senate Bylaw #1 (opens in new window) 

6.10.1. Composition:

The Committee consists of no fixed number of members drawn from both faculty and students, who have applied, been screened, and trained in the application of the university policies listed in the Terms of Reference. Members hear appeals in 3-person panels consisting of two faculty members and one student. The panels are constituted by the Office of the Secretary of Senate. Senate may approve or reject the list in its entirety, but may not alter the list.

6.10.2. Terms of Reference: to hear appeals of decisions on matters related to Senate policies: Grade and Standing; Academic Integrity; The Student Code of Non-Academic Conduct and Timespan Extension

6.10.3. Reporting:

The SAC reports directly to Senate regarding its regular business. It directs to the AGPC recommendations regarding policy changes or proposed changes to its terms of reference or composition.