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For Students

Students walking on Victoria Walkway.

Peer tutoring is available to students enrolled in language courses at TMU.

Please note:

  • Students must use their TMU email for all bookings and communications.
  • Students cannot book more than one session per day and in most cases are limited to one session per week.
  • Tutors are available to help you practice the language for courses you're currently enrolled in. Contact your instructor directly for course questions.
Language Tutoring Information
American Sign Language for ASL and CASL courses ASL Tutoring will return in October 2024. Details will be posted on this website and your ASL/CASL course D2L.
Arabic for ARB and CARB courses Arabic Tutoring with return in October 2024. Details will be posted on this website and your ARB/CARB course D2L.
French Tutoring for FRE and CFRE courses French Tutoring will return in late September 2024.
Spanish Tutoring for SPN and CSPN courses

Spanish Tutoring with return in October 2024.

Open to students, alumni, staff, and faculty.

**French and Spanish Conversations Tables return in Fall 2024. Check back in late-September for details.**

Session Information Meeting Details for Fall 2024

French Conversation Table

If you are looking for an opportunity to practice your French, and improve your listening and speaking abilities, join us on this informal conversation series. Hosted by Dr. Ndeye Ba and Dr. Evgenia Timoshenkova, all levels are welcome.

Questions? Contact Dr. Ndeye Ba.


Spanish Conversation Table

¿Quieres practicar español? Join our Spanish Conversation Table!

A great opportunity to meet new people, learn about culture and practice the language in a nonjudgmental, informal and friendly environment with snacks! Hosted by Dr. Dorismel Diaz.

Questions? Contact Dr. Dorismel Diaz.


Chinese Chat Cafes

New in Fall 2024, we're introducing Chinese Chat Cafes for the TMU community! Details will be shared in early fall 2024.


Ranjit Singh Dulai Scholarship

This scholarship recognizes the second-year Language and Intercultural Relations student with the highest CGPA. Funded by a generous donation from Mr. & Mrs. Ranjit Singh Dulai.

French Award Prize

Awarded to a LIR student in the French stream with the highest grade in FRE 501.

Spanish Award Prize

Awarded to a LIR student in the Spanish stream with the highest grade in SPN 501.

Dean's List

Each year, those with high academic standings are recognized with a place on the Dean's List. Visit the Faculty of Arts website for a list of award winners from Language and Intercultural Relations.

Students and faculty at the LIR Awards Ceremony



