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Message from the Dean

Welcome to a new semester in the Faculty of Science at TMU.

I’m excited to return and commence a second term as the dean of the Faculty of Science. I would like to take this opportunity to thank interim dean Andrew McWilliams for stepping into the role during my post-administrative leave, as well as the university administration and the Faculty of Science Council for their continued efforts to enable a collaborative research environment and meaningful educational experiences for students.

This year, we are excited to continue the development of the FOS strategic academic plan, increased globalization and EDI initiatives, including decolonizing science education, as well as fundraising towards research endeavours and decluttering our daily operations.

With the support of our faculty and the enthusiasm of our students, I am confident that 2024 will be a year of achievement and continuous advancement in the realm of science. I thank you for your dedication and look forward to the year ahead. I am honoured to begin this second term serving FOS and return with a positive and calm perspective for our future. 


David Cramb
Dean, Faculty of Science