L.I.F.E. Institute

   Windows Keyboard Shortcuts

* - Most of these work well within Word Processors,
      Spreadsheets and Internet Applications - try them.

F1          	Help
F2 Rename the selected item
F3 Find
F5 Refresh the active window
Arrow keys Select next item
Ctrl + A *Select all items
Crtl + B Organize the Favorites list
Crtl + C *Copy highlighted item (to the clipboard)
Crtl + X *Cut highlighted item
Crtl + V *Paste (from the clipboard)
Crtl + Z *Undo the last commands
Crtl + Y *Redo the last undone command
Crtl + B *Bold
Crtl + I *Italics
Crtl + U *Underline
Crtl + N *Open New document
Crtl + O *Open existing document or file
Crtl + S *Save
Crtl + P *Print
Crtl + F *Find
Crtl + Enter Open the currently selected object
Alt + Enter Display the Properties of the selected item
Crtl + Esc Start menu
Windows key Start menu
Shift + F10 Open a 'right click' menu
Esc Close an open menu
Win key + M Minimize all Windows
Win Key + E Open Windows Explorer
Alt + tab Selects items from the task bar
Delete Sends an item to the Recycle bin
Shift + Del Deletes an item fom the computer bypassing the Recycle bin
Alt + F4 Closes the selected open window
Alt + F4 Shut down menu if no window selected
Ctl+Alt+Del Allows you to close a task (Application) that has stopped responding

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