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Special Session 5

Session Details

 Time: 3:20 PM - 4:20 PM

 Location: DCC 208

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The Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching has responded throughout the last academic year to the increased availability of Generative AI tools such as Chat GPT. One response is the Generative AI Teaching Partners program, which supports faculty members in re-developing assessments with new technologies in mind. In this session, the Generative AI Teaching Partners team will share some of their knowledge and expertise on ways to consider, frame, and adjust assessment practices in light of these technologies.  As part of this session, participants will be encouraged to consider their own assessments and how the frameworks provided could be applied to their own teaching practice.

About Generative AI Teaching Partners: 

Generative AI Teaching Partners are  a small group of faculty across disciplines who work  with teams at CELT to reconsider their teaching and, especially, their assignment design in light of generative AI. That reconsideration can include both strategies for AI mitigation and AI integration, depending on the instructor’s goals and academic discipline. Partners take part in consultations with a team of experts from the Academic Integrity Office, Teaching Development, and Digital Learning. The team then investigates unique approaches for the identified assignments and provides suggestions, along with revised assignments and rubrics for faculty consideration. Through this work, the team hopes not only to open critical and creative possibilities in the selected courses, but also in our teaching community more broadly. 


David Arromba, Digital Learning

M Dougherty, Teaching Development

Allyson Miller, Academic Integrity Office

Sally Goldberg Powell, Digital Learning

This sesion was developed by the Generative AI Teaching Partners team at the Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching