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Health & Wellbeing Resources

If you require immediate assistance, please call 911 and go to the nearest hospital emergency room. Students can contact the 24/7 Helpline for Ontario postsecondary students, at 1-866-925-5454 or visit (external link) 

There are a ton of resources availible here at Toronto Metropolitan University. This document will help you begin to identify the variety of options available. 

 (google doc) Student Resources at Toronto Metropolitan University (external link) 

Below you will find an extensive list, all with clickable links.

If you have any questions please feel free to email us at and we will help guide you.

Mental and Physical Wellness Resources

CSDC: Centre for Student Development & Counselling

The CSDC offers free, confidential counselling services for students in a professional and friendly environment. Services are provided by our team of psychologists, counsellors, and masters and doctoral interns.

Services include:

  • 1-on-1 professional counselling
  • Group counselling
  • Support for Black students
  • Support for Indigenous students

TMU Medical Centre

Toronto Metropolitan University’s family doctors can help you take care of your physical and mental health.

Services include:

  • Allergy shots
  • Assessments for common medical problems (e.g. respiratory illness, urinary tract infection, back and muscle pain, headache, stomach issues etc.).
  • Immunizations and TB skin testing
  • Medical certificates
  • Mental health assessments
  • Pap tests
  • Physicals
  • Reproductive health issues (e.g. birth control counseling and prescription, pregnancy etc.).
  • Testing for sexually transmitted infections

TMU Health Promotion

Toronto Metropolitan University Health Promotion is a group of peer health promoters dedicated to promoting health and wellbeing on our university campus. They can provide you with information, resources and referrals to community agencies.

Some services include:

  • Healthy eating
  • Physical Health
  • Wellbeing during exams
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Personal development
  • Mental health

TMSU Health and Dental Plan

The Toronto Metropolitan Students Union (TMSU) Members' Health and Dental Plan (external link)  provides health and dental coverage to all full-time undergraduate students that remain opted-in for the service.

For more information, please contact the TMSU's Members Health & Dental Plan Administrator at 416-979-5000 ext. 552358, or email (opens in new window) . Members can also visit the Member Service Office in SCC or visit the TMSU website. 

University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP)

UHIP is a mandatory health insurance that provides medical coverage comparable to that of OHIP for Ontario students. All international students (including undergraduate, graduate, and exchange students) studying in Ontario with a valid study permit are required to be enrolled in UHIP. This plan pays for medical services such as seeing a doctor, hospital stays and treatment, exams, and emergency services.

Student Support Resources

International Student Services

International Student Services, supports international students by offering individual assistance, orientation programs, information sessions, and networking events.

Indigenous Student Services

Indigenous Student Services provides support for all First Nations, Aboriginal, Inuit, Metis, status and non-status students can balance academic learning with traditional teachings.

Centre for Women & Trans People

The Centre for Women & Trans People is a safe and inclusive place for all self-identified women on campus. It provides educational pamphlets, referrals and resources on issues that include racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, eating disorders, housing, sexual assault, pro-choice resources, violent relationships, support programs, and women’s health. Men are welcome to use the Centre’s resources, but need permission to enter.

TMU Safe House

The  (PDF file) Toronto Metropolitan University Safe House provides free and confidential emotional support and assistance to TMU students who:

  • Are at immediate risk of physical, sexual or emotional abuse
  • Are fleeing unsafe or intolerable living conditions
  • Have been made suddenly homeless as a result of compelling or extreme circumstances.

Security & Emergency Services

Toronto Metropolitan University Security and Emergency Services aids in crime prevention, personal safety and physical security awareness/education provided. Twenty-four hour emergency response, including crisis intervention/emergency management and referral.

Human Rights Services

Human Rights Services offers support for the Toronto Metropolitan University community, promoting a study, work, and living environment free of discrimination and harassment based on prohibited grounds (e.g. race, age, sex, sexual orientation, disability, religion etc.).

Ombudsperson Office

The Ombudsperson Office is a confidential information, advice and assistance resource for those who wish to address what they believe to be unfair treatment at the University.

Office of Sexual Violence Support & Education

The Office of Sexual Violence Support and Education works from the premise that consent comes first. We believe that survivors should guide the process and we are here to provide options. We provide referrals to counselling and medical services, academic and workplace accommodations, self-care resources, advocacy and navigating resources. We can also help you in making an informed decision about next steps should you decide to report to university authorities or the police.

Toronto Metropolitan University Students’ Union (Equity Service Centres)

The Good Food Centre

The Good Food Centre (external link)  provides free, non-perishable food items so you don’t have to study on an empty stomach. We also advocate for healthier, more affordable food on campus, and host events and campaigns on food (in)security and anti-poverty initiatives.

BIPOC Students' Collective

The BIPOC Students’ Collective (external link)  opposes all forms of racism and works towards community wellness for students. Through education, campus and community organizing, and our commitment to struggle across differences, we seek to responsibly reflect, represent and serve self-identified racialized and indigenous students.

The Student Access Collective

The Student Access Collective (external link)  recognizes that students with disabilities have a diverse range of experiences both on and off campus. However, one experience that is consistent is disempowerment. As students with disabilities, it is our time to reclaim our bodies and minds, take control of the services we use, and work with our allies to achieve the freedom and autonomy we deserve.

The Queer Space

The Queer Space (external link)  seeks to create a positive and inclusive campus that is safe and welcoming for people from across the spectrum of sexuality and gender, including but not limited to: gay, lesbian, bisexual, two spirited, trans, intersex, queer and questioning students.

The Trans Collective

The Trans Collective (external link)  main goal is to advocate for trans and gender non-conforming people by challenging oppression, creating space for community care, and educating those outside and within our community.

Centre for Safer Sex and Sexual Violence Support

The Centre for Safer Sex and Sexual Violence Support (C3SVS) (external link)  is committed to amplifying the voices and experiences of students from marginalized communities, including those who identify as LGBTQIA+, as Indigenous and/or as a person of colour, as a woman and/or as a trans person, and/or those who have a physical or mental disability.

Peer Groups and Other Resources

SMASH (Students for Mental Awareness, Support, & Health)

SMASH increases mental health awareness and support for students through peer-to-peer support and advocacy for policy change within Toronto Metropolitan University.