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My goals: reflecting on my journey into 2024

By: Toluwani Adeniyi
January 29, 2024

As I enter the promising year of 2024, my emotions are a whirlwind of hope and excitement, with a touch of fear. This year marks the culmination of my six-year journey pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology, a path filled with unexpected twists and turns. Reflecting on my undergraduate experience, I am grateful for the invaluable support from various student services, particularly the counselling unit, where I received one-on-one support from a therapist, which helped me manage the challenges of being an international student.

Looking back at the 17-year-old version of myself, I am overwhelmed with love and gratitude, especially towards my parents, who stood by me throughout this undergraduate journey. My mom called daily to encourage me, and my dad made multiple sacrifices to support my dreams of studying in Canada despite the ever-growing cost of living in the last four years. So, as I pondered how to make 2024 different, the question that came to me was, "In what areas of my life can I do better?"

Setting New Year's resolutions holds great significance for me, and this year, I've decided to focus on five areas for improvement. As a psychology student, I understand the importance of structure and setting SMART goals that boost my accountability and continuous self-reflection.

Academic Growth

With aspirations for graduate school, finishing my undergraduate journey on a high note became a priority. I set a goal to achieve excellent grades and identified specific actions to enhance my academic performance. Strategies such as improved class attendance, early assignment submission, and earlier study sessions were implemented. I researched effective coping mechanisms to tackle stress and procrastination and utilized campus resources like Writing and Language Support for additional help!

Financial Wisdom

After reviewing my 2023 expenses, I am committed to reducing frivolous spending this year. My priorities include allocating funds wisely and building a financial safety net for emergencies or even occasional travel adventures. I will even explore campus resources such as Projects Bits (external link)  that empower students with financial literacy. 

Career Readiness

Looking towards post-graduation, I set the goal of securing a good job. Leveraging campus resources like the ADAPT program, I am actively acquiring career-ready skills to enhance my marketability. This initiative aims to ease the transition from student life to the professional world. The Career and Co-op team also provided unwavering career support, such as resume help and interview preparation. 

Holistic Health

Recognizing the impact of health on academic success, I am focusing on getting regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep. Campus offerings like the Recreation & Athletic Centre (RAC) engaging activities such as dance and karate provide avenues to maintain physical well-being and effectively manage stress.

Nurturing Relationships

In 2024, I aspire to deepen connections with family and friends, and create meaningful memories. Prioritizing quality time and fostering positive relationships is crucial to my holistic well-being. So, I started making time within my schedule to go on mini adventures with my friends. Last week, I went to an escape room, tried a new Mexican restaurant and watched a live musical show! 

As I navigate the demanding grind of seven classes and a work-study commitment, I understand that these goals are not mere checkboxes but integral to my personal development. 

In conclusion, 2024 is not just a new year; it's an opportunity for transformative growth, structured goal pursuit, and embracing the evolution accompanying stepping into the professional realm. This year will be full of personal and professional successes, and may we all navigate our unique journeys with resilience, hope, and purpose.

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