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Take the Sustainability Pledge

Students sitting under the shade of the trees in the summer in the Quad.

While the Sustainability Office is committed to advancing sustainability across our campus, it will take active participation from the entire TMU community to reach our goals. The Sustainability Pledge is your opportunity to commit personally to building a more sustainable university and community. Whether you’re an expert environmentalist or just getting started - the sustainability pledge can help you find ways to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Committing to these actions will help minimize your personal carbon footprint.

The pledge comprises eight actions.

  1. I will bring my zero waste essentials such as a reusable water bottle, mug, straw and cutlery set with me before heading to campus.
  2. I will be a conscious consumer, only purchasing items I really need and attempting to repurpose or repair broken items before tossing them. I will try to buy secondhand items I can’t do without and donate, sell or gift unwanted items.
  3. I will sort my recycling, compost and waste correctly.
    (Learn about what waste goes where on the Sustainability Office website, including more info on specialized recycling programs offered on campus. Electronic waste and batteries do not go in the garbage!)
  4. I will reduce my meat and dairy consumption and opt for plant based foods.
    (Plant based diets can have a significant positive impact on the planet - approximately 14% of our personal contribution to climate change is attributed to food and beverage.) 
  5. Instead of turning up the heat, I will opt for a sweater or blanket.
    (Dressing appropriately for the season is the easiest way to moderate your thermal comfort and minimize your carbon footprint.)
  6. I will think before I print. If I must print, I will print double-sided and use recycled content paper or FSC certified paper.
  7. I will choose sustainable transportation methods such as walking, biking, and/or taking public transit when I can. (Transportation accounts for approximately 35-40% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inToronto.)
  8. I will opt for a reusable mask. If using disposable masks, I will be sure to cut the straps to protect wildlife from being harmed by them. (Please note how to care for them hygienically.)

By taking the pledge, you will also have the option to opt in to our listserv, which will allow you to stay up-to-date on sustainability news, events and opportunities at TMU.