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Planning and Development

Planning diagrams and 3D models

The Planning and Development team supports TMUs city-building vision by fostering partnerships and playing a key role in site planning, community consultation and policy development.

The Planning and Development team works with the Real Estate team on strategic objectives, the Project Management Office on public realm and capital projects and with TMUs Government Relations team on relationship-building initiatives with government officials, community partners and other public sector institutions.

3D models help visualize options for the future during consultation events.

What we do

The team works with public officials and legislation including, City of Toronto planners, councillors, commissions, municipal plans and zoning by-laws. Their work supports the growth and development of our institution, while also contributing to the healthy urban development of our neighbourhood and local cityscape. 

Planning Goals

The Planning and Development team’s work is guided by the seven key principles identified by the Campus Master Plan that were shaped by the input and feedback from the TMU community.

Leveraging our downtown location as an urban campus while promoting dense, mixed-use vertical growth.

Designing physical spaces that reflect the diversity of the community and foster social and physical inclusion.

Increase placemaking opportunities in public spaces that animate the street and reflect Toronto Metropolitan University’s values and initiatives to Indigenize campus.

Creating inspirational teaching spaces that supports research, innovation and pedagogy while championing sustainable design and flexibility for long-term academic needs.

Delivering excellence in building and open space design that fosters equity across campus and provides quality spaces for all aspects of their academic journey.

Creating a home away from home that provides diverse and affordable residential options and supports social, cultural and environmental wellbeing.