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Technovation Girls Toronto logo
Technovation judges

Would you like to be a Technovation Girls judge?

Judges review submissions, offer feedback and encourage teams to keep building. Official judging occurs either online or at official live regional pitch events. The time commitment for official judging is about 30 minutes for training on evaluating submissions and about 3 hours for reviewing submissions. We our also recruiting judges for our unofficial celebration pitch event.

Judging options for our chapter

Online judging via Technovation platform (official)

All of our Toronto teams will submit their projects for official online judging of all components of their submissions. These results determine which teams advance to the Technovation semi-finals.

Training and organization of judges for the competition occurs through the Technovation platform. For more information, check out the judging information page (external link)  on the platform, which includes a link to these  (google slide) training slides (external link) .

Virtual live judging at our unofficial event

Our Toronto chapter will host an unofficial virtual event on May 4, 2024, to give all of our teams an opportunity to present a live pitch of their projects. Judging will be based soley on the pitches, and the results will not have any effect on the Technovation global competition.

The application (external link)  to be a judge at our live virtual event is now open!