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BReady Talent Platform

BReady: Land your Dream Job based on your full potential, don’t settle for just any job!

Unlocking Opportunities for Talent through Skills-Based Employment

Are you a job seeker struggling to find a job that matches your interests and skill sets?

BReady Talent Platform is here to help you find meaningful employment, with a special focus on new immigrants, recent graduates, mid-career professionals from racialized communities, and both young and senior talent. 

BReady Talent Platform is a TALENT BANK that allows you to passively job hunt through one application, ensuring your personal information remains confidential while showcasing your skills without bias to employers. Our partner employers in Brampton and Mississauga are actively seeking business and technology hires like you.

We understand how difficult it is to move to a new country and spend months sending applications trying to secure a job in your field of work. Many job seekers face challenges such as lacking a network to uncover the hidden job market, unfamiliarity with Canada's dominant sectors, and a lack of understanding of SME employers that make up 80% of Canada’s employer network. This leads to applying to mainstream companies, that are highly competitive. At BReady, we equip you with the knowledge and resources to navigate these challenges, ensuring you stand out to SMEs looking to hire diverse talent. The BReady Talent Platform is entirely FREE to use.

Join over 300+ talent and 100+ employers already on the platform, building a strong network for meaningful connections and opportunities.

BReady Talent Platform Logo
BReady talent visited the Dynacare's Brampton headquarters to learn about opportunities

Pictured: BReady Talent Platform site visit to Dynacare's Brampton headquarters.


Here's what BReady offers:

Through our platform, we provide wrap-around services, to help you secure a full-time or part-time skills-based job with a compelling application and advanced knowledge, adding significant value beyond just the platform itself.

  • Passive Job Hunting: Your profile is visible to hundreds of employers. The platform uses keywords to match your skill set and showcase your profile to relevant employers.
  • Experiential Learning: Connect with employers at their workplace through the BReady site visits to prominent SMEs and Startups in Brampton and Mississauga's advanced manufacturing, food processing, logistics, and healthcare/biotechnology sectors.
  • Gain Sector and Startup/ SME Knowledge: Access the Learning Management System for FREE to upskill or learn about the growing sectors in Brampton and Mississauga from top experts.
  • Enhance Your Soft Skills: Access curated content on networking, interviewing, creating a professional online presence, and more.
  • Expand Your Network: Learn from established professionals at exclusive events with key leaders from private and public sectors.

Jobs are available in the following industries:

  • Health and wellness
  • Food and beverage processing 
  • Smart city, mobility and logistics
  • Advanced Manufacturing


How does the platform work?

Create a profile and fill out the relevant details


Upload your resume

Upload a one minute video of yourself

Get matched with employers looking to hire

To learn more, view this video guide for a step-by-step walkthrough of the platform!  

Learn how to sign up for the BReady Talent Platform, access the talent dashboard, update your profile and receive notifications from potential employers.


BReady Site Visits

BReady Talent visited facilities of prominent SMEs and Startups in Brampton's advanced manufacturing, food processing, logistics, and healthcare/biotechnology sectors.

 A collage of the BReady Talent team visiting various startups in Brampton.


: Logos for Brampton Venture Zone by TMU, Brampton Board of Trade, Mississauga Board of Trade and Toronto Pearson