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Ebrahim Bagheri

Ebrahim Bagheri

Scientific Co-Director, Co-Lead Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Working Group
EducationPhD, University of New Brunswick
Areas of ExpertiseInformation retrieval, social network analytics, social media mining, applied artificial intelligence


Ebrahim Bagheri is a Professor in the Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering at Toronto Metropolitan University where he holds a Canada Research Chair in Social Information Retrieval and an NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Social Media Analytics. He is the Director of the NSERC CREATE program on the Responsible Development of AI (RAI)—a 6-year, multi-sector, multi-institutional, collaborative training program that draws co-applicants from TMU, Waterloo, Western, UQAM, and McGill.

Ebrahim is a truly interdisciplinary researcher who has impacted industry, government and civil society through community engagement and knowledge translation. His Responsible AI initiative is unique in that it highlights the need to balance economic development with social good. Ebrahim has raised $15M+ in research funds as principal investigator; supervised 85+ HQP; published 75+ journal articles in premier venues; served on the Technical Program Committees of 100+ workshops and conferences; and co-founded the International Workshop on Mining Actionable Insights from Social Networks (MAISoN).

In recognition of his contributions to knowledge transfer, Dr. Bagheri has received the prestigious NSERC Synergy Award.

Recent Publications

Mahdavimoghaddam, J., Bahuguna, A., & Bagheri, E. (2022). Exploring the Utility of Social Content for Understanding Future In-Demand Skills (external link) . Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6(CSCW2), 1–35. 

Mirlohi Falavarjani, S. A., Zarrinkalam, F., Jovanovic, J., Bagheri, E., & Ghorbani, A. A. (2019). The Reflection of Offline Activities on Users’ Online Social Behavior: An Observational Study (external link) . Information Processing & Management, 56(6), 102070. 

Zarrinkalam, F., Kahani, M., & Bagheri, E. (2018). Mining User Interests Over Active Topics on Social Networks (external link) . Information Processing & Management, 54(2), 339–357.