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Mariia Sozoniuk

Stuart Duncan

Mariia Sozoniuk

Emerging Graduate Researcher

Mariia Sozoniuk is a Master of Professional Communication (TMU). She is happily sharing with the XJO team her 2-year research experience gained at the Sustainable Packaging Research Lab (external link)  (TMU, GCM). Mariia conducted studies on Sustainability, User Experience and Consumer Behaviour employing Online Surveys and PLS-SEM analysis. Currently, she is working with Dr. Charles Davis and Sara Ono on the annual survey of The Conversation Canada readers to deliver practical implications through the Theory of Planned Behaviour study. Parallel to this XJO project, Mariia will take over another one, surveying audience perceptions of AI.


Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

The Explanatory Journalism Project is supported in part by funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.