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Lisa Leoni

Arvind Krishendeholl

Co-Chair, Anti-Black Racism and Systemic Discrimination Collective of Peel

A passionate advocate of youth engagement within communities, Arvind Krishendeholl possesses close to a decade of experience working in leadership and advisory roles across the charitable organization sector and all levels of government. 

Arvind currently serves as the Co-Chair of the Anti-Black Racism and Systemic Discrimination Collective of Peel, Manager of Settlement Programs at Indus Community Services, and Director on the Board of Directors for several community agencies including Roots Community Services and Volunteer MBC. 

Combined with his research affiliations at the Institute for Better Health and the Third Sector and Public Policy Institute at Queen’s University where he explores Canadian politics, multiculturalism, healthcare, and public policy, Arvind’s work is characterized by a deep commitment to equity, inclusion, and social justice. In 2023, Arvind graduated with a Master of Public Administration in Policy Studies from the School of Policy Studies at Queen’s University and earned his Bachelor of Music in Political Science and Classical Music from McGill University in 2022. 

A passionate advocate of volunteerism, In 2024, Arvind was invested with the Ontario Medal for Young Volunteers — the highest honour a young person can achieve for their contributions to the province.