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Diana Ibranovic

Photo of Diana Ibranovic


University of Guelph - Bachelor of Arts and Science

Minor in Studio Art and Biology

Email Address


Business Development | Fine Art


Having completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Guelph in an interdisciplinary arts and sciences program, Diana is very excited to be given the opportunity to continue her education with an interdisciplinary approach in digital media.

She is currently working as a project coordinator at a project management and business development consulting firm, where she has developed an interest in project planning. However, Diana's passion lies within the arts. She is a painter with a preferred medium of oil on canvas.

As an artist she is often torn between the need to express creative elements which are brought out in her works and the challenges of working in a corporate environment which can limit artistic expression. She hopes to find a link between the arts and business through the MDM program to help guide her in an enticing career in the digital media industry.

Why Digital Media?

The opportunities are endless.


Major Research Project: "Barriers to Entry of Digital Technology in the Real Estate Industry"

The objective of this MRP is to conduct research in the barrier to entry of digital technology the real estate industry in order to identify opportunities and then to build solutions. A project that emerged from the Supercourse call REFS - Real Estate Feedback System, will be further explored for its feasibility in the market and validation with potential users.

MITACS Funded Research.