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Youssef Elbadi

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  • Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, Washington State University


Digital Marketing, Graphic Design & Music


Youssef Elbadi is an aspiring music producer with a background in graphic design, digital marketing, and streetwear fashion. He moved around quite a lot throughout different countries. Coming from North Africa/Middle East, he then made his way to the United States to obtain his Bachelor's degree, then Canada to obtain his Master's. His way of moving forward is picking up new skills and knowledge along the way to incorporate into his line of work. In the corporate world, Youssef Elbadi has worked in Sales, but he has dreams to work for himself and get his personal projects on the front lines. 

Why Digital Media?

It is the ideal mix of the creative industries. Students in this program come from many different backgrounds which calls for superb networking and collaboration.

