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Mahsa Rad

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  • Master of Interior Architecture | University of Tehran


Product Design | Interdisciplinary Design | Digital Narration | Branding


Mahsa, a passionate digital designer, breathes life into user experiences by weaving storytelling and cutting-edge technology. Her background in architecture, coupled with expertise in visual design, allows her to translate complex ideas into intuitive, accessible, and aesthetically pleasing interfaces.

Driven by a deep belief in the power of design to empower users, Mahsa actively seeks innovative ways to craft impactful digital narratives, particularly focusing on designing inclusive products that bridge the gap for diverse needs and abilities.

Beyond her technical skills, Mahsa thrives in collaborative environments and actively engages with the design community to share knowledge and learn from others. Her creativity, collaborative spirit, and dedication to user-centered design make her a valuable asset to any team.

Why Digital Media?

Digital media fascinates me. It's not just the future potential that excites me, but the transformative power it holds to shape how we connect and experience the world. This fascination is why I chose digital media. By understanding the intricate web of connections between humans and digital tools, I can leverage cutting-edge technologies in my design process to ensure each project delivers unique and optimal user experiences that have a positive impact.

