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Salmaan Khan

Assistant Professor

Salmaan Khan is an Assistant Professor (Limited Term Faculty) in the Department of Criminology at Toronto Metropolitan University. Prior to his current role he held the position of Research Program Manager in the office of the Chair in Social Justice and Democracy at TMU. He completed his BA (Honours) in Politics and Governance, with a minor in Criminology at TMU, and received his MA and PhD in the interdisciplinary Social and Political Thought Graduate Program at York University. 

His research interests are interdisciplinary and are underpinned by questions concerning the epistemological role of race and racism in both classical and contemporary social and political theory. His other research interests include epistemology (What do we know? How do we know?); methodologies of the social sciences (What does critical research look like?); and Western conceptions of ethics and morality (What is the good? What is implicated in our definitions of the moral and the immoral? Of the legal vs. the illegal?) 

Course Code Course Title
CRM 315 Advanced Quantitative Research Methods
CRM 101 Understanding Crime in Canadian Society
CRM 102 Introduction to Criminology