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Please visit the Seniority List page, accessible in the menu panel to the left or by clicking here (opens in new window) .

You are welcome to reach out to RTA's Lead, Finance and Administration: Aneesh Tiberias Murali ( If you are an existing CUPE member, you may also consider reaching out to your Union Steward. 

Details about how seniority is calculated for CUPE Unit-1 can be found in Article 15 of the Collective Agreement here (opens in new window) .  

As per Article 13.2(b) of the CUPE Unit-1 Collective Agreement (opens in new window) :

[Toronto Met] University...may offer available teaching to individuals deemed to have particular skills, knowledge, or experience needed to enhance a particular program.... Such appointments may not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the volume of work available for discharge in a given semester within a Faculty. 

Restricted work will be posted on a course or section(s) basis and will not form part of a multi-course package...with unrestricted work. Restricted work is not available for application. Such posting will identify such work as being related to the requirement for particular skills, knowledge and/or experience needed to enhance a particular program. All such decisions and the process leading to and incidental to such decisions are within management’s discretion and are not grievable.

We recommend that you upload your CV/Resume alone to the Careers Page, and then send your full and completed Application Package to (opens in new window) . Please mention in your email that you were only able to upload the CV/Resume and we will ensure that the Contract Lecturer Appointment Committee receives your full package for evaluation.

Please contact Aneesh (Tib)erias Murali, Lead, Finanace and Administration for RTA School of Media by email (opens in new window)