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Parents Info Night - Engineering

August 31, 2022
6:00 PM EDT - 8:00 PM EDT
Virtual (Zoom) and In-Person (George Vari Engineering Building, 3rd floor)
Open To

Welcome to our school community! This is an exciting time for parents as students prepare to enter into university. To help families with the start of this academic journey, FYEO is hosting its annual Parent Info Night for parents and guardians of incoming engineering students at TMU. The event will be offered virtually and in-person. 

Parents will hear from FYEO's program director, Dr. Lamya Amleh, about the first-year experience and ways parents can best support their child during their first-year of university. There will be discussions about student support services, counselling, and will also be hearing from an Academic Advisor. The night will end off with a Q&A period in which you can ask all your burning questions about your child’s program.

If you are able to join us in-person, there will be campus tours tailored for parents happening from 5-6 PM. Students are welcome to attend. Each family is limited to 4 guests as there is limited space. 

Orientation Engineering