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Headshot of James Kuhns

James Kuhns BA, MSc

Certificate Instructor and Associate Researcher
DepartmentCo-Coordinator at Toronto Urban Growers

Instructor for: CVFN 411 Dimensions of Urban Agriculture (opens in new window) 

James Kuhns works in food security and urban agriculture related activities. He is the co-coordinator of Toronto Urban Growers. His current activities relate to developing and field testing indicators for urban agriculture. As well he is interested in land governance and food security in Africa and food security policy in selected Canadian and African cities. He was the coordinator of the GrowTO urban agriculture initiative that resulted in the formation of the Toronto Agriculture Program. James is a former president of the American Community Gardening Association and is a member Sustain’s Municipal Regional Policy Network. He holds a M.Sc. in agricultural development (University of London). 

Select Publications

Matthew E. Woods, Rehman Ata, Zachary Teitel, Nishara Muthu Arachchige, Yi Yang, Brian E. Raychaba, James Kuhns and Lesley G. Campbell (2016). Crop Diversity and Plant-Plant Interactions in Urban Allotment Gardens, Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 01/2016.

James Kuhns, Joe Nasr, and Lauren Baker (2015). L’expansion de l’agriculture urbaine à Toronto: une collaboration entre la ville et la communauté des habitants, POUR, March 2015.

Rod MacRae, Joe Nasr, James Kuhns, Lauren Baker, Russ Christianson, Martin Danyluk, Abra Snider, Eric Gallant, Penny Kaill-Vinish, Marc Michalak, Janet Oswald, Sima Patel, and Gerda Wekerle (2011). Could Toronto provide 10% of its fresh vegetable requirements from within its own boundaries? Part II, Policy supports and program, Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, Volume 2, Issue 2.

James Kuhns, Rod MacRae, Joe Nasr. (2010). Scaling up Urban Agriculture in Toronto: Building the Infrastructure. Food Solutions Papers. Metcalf Foundation.


Updated January 2018