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QS World MBA Tour Calgary

September 19, 2019
4:30 PM EDT - 8:30 PM EDT
Metropolitan Conference Centre, 333 4 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2P 0H9
Open To
Teguh Amith, MBA Recruitment Advisor | Email: | Skype: teguh.ryersonmba

Meet with the Ted Rogers MBA, Toronto Metropolitan University at the largest MBA Tour in Calgary to explore your MBA options.

There are countless benefits to receiving an MBA. From moving up the career ladder, to gaining the skills you need to start your own business, an MBA opens many new career doors to you.

At this FREE QS MBA event you can meet with a variety of top business schools, get all your admissions questions answered, receive GMAT test-prep advice, gain access to scholarships, and much more.

There are limited spaces available, so register today!