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W 2023

The Academic Job Search: Reflections and Advice

February 28, 2023

The academic job search is front of mind for many graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, and hearing from others who have recently gone through the process is an important way to help you set your own strategies and approach to the search for an academic position.

This session invited a panel of new faculty members from TMU who have recently gone through the academic job search process to share on their unique journeys to their academic positions, offer reflections on their experiences, and provide advice and suggestions to consider for graduate students and postdocs in any stage of career development. Participants engaged with panelists during the Q&A portion of the session and networking reception. 

This event was facilitated by Dr. Nancy Walton, BScN, PhD, Associate Dean, Student Affairs, YSGPS and professor, Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing


  • Dr. Michael Baumtrog, Professor, Law and Business, TRSM
  • Dr. Sarah Dermody, Professor, Psychology, Arts
  • Dr. ChungHyuk Lee, Professor, Chemical Engineering, FEAS

To watch the discussion click here (external link) .