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Code of Conduct

  • Treat staff, officials, participants and spectators with respect and courtesy.
  • Respect the rights, safety and dignity of  staff, officials, participants and spectators. 
  • There will be zero tolerance for abuse, harassment or discrimination in the intramural program. Participants who engage in inappropriate behaviour before, during or after play are subject to suspension or disqualification. This includes the following:
    • Abusive language to officials, staff, participants and spectators
    • Harassment of any kind to officials, staff participants and spectators
    • Fighting 
    • Aggressive behaviour 
  • Adhere to all intramural sports rules (external link) , policies and procedures. 
  • Adhere to relevant Toronto Met policies, including Discrimination and Harassment Prevention, Sexual Violence and Workplace Civility and Respect.
  • Intoxication is prohibited during the intramural program. Refrain from the use of alcohol or drugs prior to and during intramural activities. Individuals suspected of being intoxicated will be removed from play and referred to Security and/or Student Care and Conduct.
  • Team names which exhibit any of the following will be removed from their league immediately:
    • Offensive language to any group of people (Gender, Sexuality, Race, Religion, etc.)
    • Sexual innuendos
    • Any illegal activity 
    • Referencing alcohol/drugs

The Fair Play System is to ensure that the Intramural program continues to provide a safe and fun environment for all participants, staff and spectators. Strikes will be given to teams that are demonstrating inappropriate behaviour (see below). If a team accumulates a certain amount of strikes there will be disciplinary action taken.


Behavior Type Strikes
Any expressions of bigotry, hatred, discrimination or prejudice towards a participant, staff/ official or spectator. 3
Any violence, threats, harassment, abuse or intimidation towards a participant, staff/ official or spectator. 3
Any sexual harassment, including sexual advances or comments, about or towards a participant, staff/official or spectator because of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, where it is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome. 3
Any misuses of restricted-access equity programs or facilities. 3
Violating any of the  (google doc) Standards of Behaviour (external link) , outlined in the Intramural Participant Handbook. 2
Defaulting* a game night without emailing, 24 hours prior to your game. 1

*If a team defaults 2 games nights during the season, they will not be eligible for playoffs and risk being removed from the league immediately.

 Accumulated Strikes

Strikes Accumulated Action
3 The individual(s) or team(s) receiving the strikes are immediately removed from play and suspended from participation in Intramural programs. The Incident will be reported to the relevant TMU offices (eg. DHP, HR, Student Care, Security). Suspended individuals must meet with the Intramural Coordinator and Director of Recreation to determine any return to play.  Player(s) returning from suspension will participate under probation* for the remainder of the semester.
2 The individual(s) or team(s) receiving the strikes will be suspended from participating in future games.  These must meet with the Intramural Coordinator to discuss the conditions of return to play.  Player(s) returning from suspension will participate under probation* for the remainder of the semester.
1 The individual(s) or team(s) receiving the strike are required to meet with the Intramural Coordinator to discuss expectations of future behaviour.

* While on probation, behaviour will be monitored by the Intramural staff. Any intolerable behaviour listed under the Fair Play System, will result in immediate removal from the Intramural Program for the remainder of the semester.

What are strikes & what counts as a strike?

Strikes will be given out during scheduled intramural times. If your team or an individual from your team demonstrates any inappropriate behaviour, your team will receive strikes according to the behaviour and possible suspension. When a team accumulates a certain amount of strikes there will be disciplinary action taken.

How do I know if my team has received a strike?

If the convenor has decided to give you a strike, they will notify the team captain and the participant(s) involved immediately. The team captain will also be notified by email and suspension letters will be sent out dependent on the behaviour. The Intramural team will be monitoring strikes semesterly for each team. 

Can I protest a strike?

To protest a strike, the team captain is responsible to represent the team by contacting the or by visiting the Intramural office.