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Share Notes

Peer Notes & Online Learning:

RU Noted does not generally provide notes for online courses.

Note takers will only be assigned for courses with a live-streamed component.

Sign up to be a Peer Note-taker 

Use our online portal to sign up and share notes. You will be notified if you are assigned as a Peer Note-taker. Students require notes throughout the semester, so you can be assigned at any time.

Join RU Noted

  1. Develop and enhance your academic skills
  2. Receive $200 per course if you are selected as a Peer Note-taker
  3. Create an accessible learning community
  1. Sign up to be a Peer Note-taker using our Share Notes portal
  2. Receive an email notification if selected by a classmate
  3. Upload your notes to our online platform
  4. Apply for Payment on AwardSpring at the end of the semester
  • You must be currently enrolled at Toronto Metropolitan University as a student
  • You must have a GPA 2.67 or higher (clear academic standing)

You are eligible for $200 per course if you have been selected as a note-taker and uploaded a full set course of notes. Peer Note-takers meeting these conditions must apply for payment on Award Spring. Applications are reviewed and payment is processed through the Student Awards & Scholarships Office.

RU Noted adheres to strict timelines for payment. Each semester, there are three steps note-takers must complete in order to receive their award. Specific deadlines are posted above:

  1. Prior to the award period: complete the AwardSpring (external link)  General Application, including the Financial Information section, prior to the award period.
  2. During the award period: access and complete the RU Noted Award application on AwardSpring during the Awrad Period
  3. After the award period: receive your cheque to the mailing address listed on MyServiceHub (formerly known as RAMSS).

Frequently Asked Questions

Email if you have not received payment by the start of the following semester. The deadline to report any payment issues is week 2 of the semester following the term in which you were a note-taker.

Email detailing the issue. The deadline to report any payment issues is week 2 of the semester following the term in which you were a note-taker. 


All note-takers are required to complete the payment application during the payment period. You can still log your hours on ConnectRU and request a letter of recommendation from RU Noted.

Since you will not be uploading notes for courses where you are not selected, and therefore not fully participating in the peer-to-peer program, you will not receive funds; however, since many students request note-taking services throughout the semester, we encourage you to sign up for as many courses as you wish--you may be selected as a Peer Note-taker at any point during the course.


 Email: