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Quick Reference Guide

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Signing of Applications and Agreements in Support of SRC Activity: Policy 154 

This document was produced to accompany  (PDF file) Policy 154 (May 2020).

Quick Reference Guide

In absence of a known RFA or authorized signatory, the Principal Investigator/Academic Supervisor/Applicant must be eligible to hold funds. Employees of the University are expected to use good judgement to avoid situations that constitute, or create the appearance of, a conflict of interest.

Step 1: PI/Applicant prepares a proposal

PI/Applicant creates a Grant Authorization Form (GAF) in the Research Information System (RIS), uploads all required documents, and submits GAF.

Step 2: GAF Approvals

The GAF must be approved by the Chair/Director, then the Dean or Chief Librarian, and then finally reviewed by an OVPRI Specialist. If the GAF is not approved, it must be reviewed and revised again (Step 1). The VPRI makes the final approval.

Step 3: Sponsor/Funder Approvals

The PI/Applicant submits their application to a sponsor/funder and a sponsor/funder agreement is created.

  • If the funding agreement is declined/not funded, the GAF is updated and the file is closed.

Step 4: Institutional Approvals

The funding agreement is reviewed and recommended for signature. If the agreement is approved by VPRI, the Research Account Profile (RAP) is created from the GAF. 

  • If the final funding agreement is rejected by the VPRI, the GAF is updated and the file is closed.


  • RIS: Research Information System: an on-line system for recording and obtaining approvals for research proposals; has required forms to be completed prior to submission of all external grant applications to the potential funder. 
  • GAF: Grant Authorization Form: an on-line form located within the RIS; required prior to submitting external grants applications. 
  • RAP: Research Account Profile: used by OVPRI and Financial Services as the basis on which a research account is established and administered. It serves as a quick reference and accountability tool, outlining the terms and conditions which govern an award. 
  • REB: The Research Ethics Board (REB) approves, rejects, proposes modifications to, or terminates any proposed or ongoing research involving humans that is conducted by faculty, staff or undergraduate students of the university, so as to protect research subjects and ensure that research is conducted in an ethical manner. No research on humans shall be undertaken without the prior approval of the REB.


University research is governed by policies and practices that ensure the protection of research participants, the researcher (faculty, student, or staff member), the university, and the public. These include policies on research involving humans, the use of animals, controlled goods, and hazardous materials, among others. All funded or unfunded research involving humans, animals, or controlled goods undertaken at Ryerson University facilities and conducted by Ryerson University faculty, students, and staff is subject to review and approval. Please note that research may not begin before all University approvals/certifications, institutional requirements, or governmental authorizations are obtained. For more information, please visit Research Ethics.

Meaning of Signatures 

Principal Investigator/Applicant

signature indicates acceptance of academic, professional, scientific, and technical responsibility for the project. In addition, it represents an undertaking to observe sponsor and University policies and regulations, as well as any special award conditions. 

Academic Supervisor/Applicant 

Signature for student projects, indicates the same undertaking as the above, as well as willingness to complete or terminate the project in accordance with sponsor requirements if student participants are unable or unavailable to do so. 

Department Chair/Director of School/Director of Centre

For proposals that entail new or incremental space, specific material or financial contributions, or preferred use of common facilities and services, the signature indicates either approval for those items under departmental auspices or a commitment to seek the approval of appropriate Faculty and University authorities. When nondepartmental commitments have not received final approval, it is the department chair/director’s responsibility to state clearly any reservations or limitations, in a letter of transmittal, to the OVPRI at the time the application is submitted for University endorsement. 

Dean/Chief Librarian (or designate)

Signature indicates that the Faculty (or for Librarians, the Library) is willing to accommodate the project; that required facilities and services are available; and that the researcher meets known University and sponsor eligibility requirements. It also represents general acceptance of expressed or implied time commitments, including willingness to recommend leave or other special arrangements as specified in the application. 

Designated University Officer (VPRI)

Signature confirms the Departmental and Faculty commitments, confirms that the institution will accept and administer funds in accordance with agreed terms and conditions at the time of application; and that, when applicable, the project has been or will undergo all relevant human ethics, animal experimentation, radiation and/or biosafety hazard reviews. 


It is the responsibility of the signer to understand the general nature of the application or agreement, and what their signature confirms.